Welcome to IntWin, the revolutionary no-code virtual assistant that can fully replace your contact center

Our cutting-edge technology is designed to speak and write like real people, providing your customers with an experience that is both efficient and personalized.
Voice Assistant
Our no code AI assistant is equipped with the latest natural language processing technology, enabling it to understand emotions, learn from previous interactions, and even recognize speech in noisy environments.
Chat Assistant
Our AI chat bot is driven by cutting-edge natural language processing technology, allowing it to engage with your customers in natural and efficient ways.
Watch a showreel highlighting the exceptional features of IntWin.
Our voice assistants are designed to streamline your customer support process, saving you time and resources while delivering a superior customer experience.
for large business
For large businesses with high requirements, our team offers individual development of a solution tailored to your specific needs.
for medium business
For medium-sized businesses, AI voice bot can be easily adapted to provide your customers with a personalized experience that sets your business apart.
for small business
For small businesses, the no code ai voice and chat bots are designed to be user-friendly and easy to implement, allowing you to start automating your customer support process in no time.
In 2021 alone, the IntWin voice bot handled over 500 hours of phone conversations, which is equivalent to the work of 5000 full-time call center agents.
IntWin marketplace also offers over 200 templates for voice and chat bots, allowing you to quickly and easily customize your assistant to meet the specific needs of your business.
This is the way voice assistants communicate over the phone:

Here are why IntWin is the better choice:

No-code web-editor for bot creation on the IntWin platform.
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Ability to create voice bots with synthesis voices.
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AI (NLU) that can recognize various elements in people's answers such as big phrases, numbers, dates, etc.
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Flexibility to change communication channels in the moment, for example, starting communication in a voice channel and then continuing in a chat.
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See how companies are achieving impressive results and placing their trust in IntWin:

    Easy to start = easy to use

    Get started with your AI voice and chat bot with just 3 easy steps:
    Answer 10 questions
    8 minutes

    To set a task for your assistant, simply answer 10 questions provided by the system.
    Choose your tariff
    30 seconds

    Select the most suitable tariff and complete the payment process as per the invoice.
    Assistant ready in 24 hours
    24 hours

    In just 24 hours, our AI technology will create an assistant for you, which will then be reviewed by our expert team to ensure optimal performance.
    Ready to take your business to the next level with a custom AI assistant? Click here.
    Book a Demo

    Looking to create a custom AI assistant for your business? Look no further than IntWin.

    Create and customize an assistant with the help of IntWin experts
    Our platform makes it easy to create and customize your own AI assistant, whether you choose to edit an existing bot from our catalogue or build new one.

    With no programming skills required, you can easily set up a scenario that fits your specific needs with the help of our expert team.
    Integrate the assistant to any services
    Once your assistant is set up, you can integrate it with most IP-PBX, CRM systems as well as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and WeChat.

    For other integrations, we provide documented APIs for seamless connectivity.
    Omnichannel communication in all channels
    Our AI assistants provide omnichannel communication across various platforms, including support for calls, social networks, instant messengers, SMS, and email. By working according to the scenario and exchanging information about the client, the process becomes integral and conscious.
    Track statistics in your personal account
    You can track all of your AI assistant's statistics in your personal account, including your bots, logs and iteration costs, customer database, and detailed campaign performance analytics.
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    Talk to Assistant
    We're excited to hear from you and answer any questions you may have about our platform and services.
    Please feel free to contact us using the information below:
    We look forward to hearing from you and exploring how our AI voice and chat bots can help your business grow and thrive.
    Development by Peoplr