Leads for Finance, Spain

2023-02-21 14:17
A Spanish company engaged in searching for clients in financial industry and helping people to borrow loan money. A few thousands of people from all over Spain visit the company's websites everyday and leave their data in order to obtain detailed information about a loan


Massive inflow of requests everyday, heavy expenses for operators of the call center located in Spain (average monthly wages of EUR 1,170)


To automate calling process so that a robot, independently, will call clients and confirm the request relevance


We have developed two voice bots, one taking care of the warm database of clients and the other, of the cold one. These bots call potential clients daily, have the requested sum specified and encourage a client to file an application for a loan. If the client made up his mind, the bots send to their phone number an SMS message with a link for further action


To date, INTWIN voice bots process tens of thousands of requests every day, helping people in Spain to get a loan. During 2022, the bot reached the target of at least 40% of confirmed loan offers from the total number of successful calls per day. To achieve such results, bots were being trained regularly using the history of dialogues. With the voice bots, Leads for Finance saves time and money on performing standard processes associated with selling financial services.